Monday, September 30, 2019

Macbeth: Act 5 Summary Essay

Scene I A doctor and gentlewoman are at the castle watching Lady MacBeth because she has been sleeping walking. When Lady MacBeth enters the scene she washes her hands saying there is blood on them and refers to the murders: Duncan, Banquo, and Lady MacDuff. Once she leaves the doctor looks stunned at such behavior. Scene II A group of Scottish lords gather together to discuss the military situation. It is decided that the Scottish army will meet the English army led by Malcolm by Birnam Wood to join forces together. It is also reported that MacBeth has fortified Dunsinane Castle. Scene III MacBeth tells his attendants they have nothing to fear of the army approaching them because no one of woman born can harm him. MacBeth also refers to the second apparition and says he will reign until Birnam Wood is moved to Dunsinane. Next, MacBeth orders Seyton to retrieve his armor so he can do what he does best, fight on the battlefield. The doctor reports to MacBeth about Lady MacBeth’s condition. MacBeth demands that the doctor rid her of the disease and cure her. Scene IV While marching toward Dunsinane, Malcolm orders his soldiers to break a branch off of a tree in Birnam Wood hope to, â€Å"Thereby shall we shadow / The numbers of our host,† and make MacBeth’s spies, â€Å"Err in report of us,† (5.4.5-7). Scene V Seyton comes to tell MacBeth that the queen has died. Shocked by the abrupt end of his wife, MacBeth makes a compelling spiel. The messenger enters telling MacBeth that the forest of Birnam Wood is moving towards them, Dunsinane. MacBeth is overcame by disbelief and horror that the apparition’s prophecy may come true which said that he couldn’t die until Birnam Wood moved towards Dunsinane. Scene VI Malcolm orders his soldiers to throw down the branches and reveal to MacBeth’s castle who they really are. Scene VII MacBeth kills the Young Siward and makes fun of the soldiers who are born from a woman because their swords can not kill him. Malcolm makes a comment about MacBeth’s soldiers saying, â€Å"We have met with foes / That strike beside us,† because they aren’t even trying to fight (5.7.31-2). Scene VIII The castle is surrounded by Malcolm and Siward’s men. MacDuff finally finds MacBeth and the fight begins. While fighting, MacBeth tells MacDuff he is wasting his time because he cannot be killed by a woman born human. MacDuff shocks MacBeth by letting him know he was not woman born but cut out of his mother’s womb. MacBeth still does not give up and they continue fighting. As trumpets sound victory of the Scottish and English forces, MacDuff enters carrying MacBeth’s head and declared Malcolm King of Scotland.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Geddes Garden City Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The American Political Economist who authored   the best read book titled Progress and Poverty (Lause) defined urbanization as â€Å"This life of great cities is not the natural life of man.   He must, under such conditions, deteriorate, physically, mentally, and morally â€Å".   To consider his point, the author view that life must be maintained in a serene atmosphere and not in a busy city just like those old good days that red beans or the cocoa is enough to send every household child to a good school.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Henry George began musing on this concept when the new railroad transport was developed in California that made an influence on high land values and influx of ordinary people to city life.   That development in one place brought about overcrowding and had wayward implications on the sustainability of the natural environment.   However, his idea provided economic reforms that made improvements of the life of the working classes possible.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cities are indications of developments and of the visible civilizations of the history of man.   It takes a process of transformation that is unique and at the same time diverse.   This work is aimed at explaining the town concepts during the period of industrialization from the beginning of mass transportation and birth of new cities in particular on how Geddes observed and analyze these processes. Sustainability of the Man-built Environment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was concluded by Henry George that the man-built environment is something that will not last. However, Patrick Geddes the Leonardo da Vinci of the 20th century teaches and reaffirms that our world environment could be sustained provided that man cooperates in the process.   It has to be sustained in order that the life cycle of the young generation’s continues.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   His statement is not a contradiction to George’s philosophy but a possible solution to man’s current problems.   His reaffirmation brought to the world a new hope that even though life cycle is limited, this world is still something worthy to be cared for and it can endure. The positive attitude of George influences not only his neighbors but the human settlement at large during his time to the present.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are issues on industrialization which brings wealth but at the same time destroys the natural environment caused by pollutants. For this reason, Geddes made it clear that man do not live by the jingling of his coins.   There is always a chain effect if one resource is used in accordingly.   He provided a solution written in the Evergreen book that a sustainable world is as simple as making it comfortably green.   His conviction reminded even planners that if developments are unchecked it would create more disaster than improvements.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Globally, everyone breathe the same air that a poor or a developed nation breathes.   The current concern do not deals alone with affordability but also sustainability. With the pressing trend of modernization, comfortable living is expensive and value for money is usually a rare find. The problem of overcrowding in the cities and the lack of economic growth in the rural areas still remains to be a problem on poorly planned cities.   The increase of deteriorating cities will lead to the decline of the global sustainability.   The idea here is to provide developmental options that are definitely relevant to every cities of the world. His mottos â€Å"by creating we think and by living we learn was made to good use by educating people about their environment (Grewar).† The new housing design for workers, organizing his neighbors to renovate houses and build gardens made an indelible mark in his works which can still be seen in every postcard of the city’s Royal Mile that even Albert Einstein admired and has honored him (Grewar). The Garden City Movement Patrick Geddes three dimensional thinking (geography, economics and anthropology) places social sciences above math and logic, biology, chemistry and physics.   His belief that† the earth as a cooperative planet must teach people on how to treat properly their environment and is aimed specifically on educating children, improving the physical quality of life through biological knowledge by producing better medicines, and understanding human influence on ecology (Killiecrankie).† Geddes bridging social sciences with biology even influenced his biographer Lewis Mumford on the simple idea that man just like plants and animals thrived in healthy conditions which are expressed in one of the extracts of Geddes writings; â€Å"The world is mainly vast leaf-colony, growing on and forming a leafy soil, not a mere mineral mass, and we live not by the jingling of our coins, but by the fullness of our harvest. This is green world, with animals comparatively small, and all independent upon leaves.   By leaves we live (Grewar).†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mumford an architectural critic and is particularly noted for his study on urbanization of the environment regarded technology as the destroyer of environment even if he qualifies that electricity could lead to the improvements of the social spheres (University).   His works are indications that technology must be regulated. During the late 18th century Garden Cities began to evolve through the works of city and town planners particularly the works of Ebenezer Howard in UK influenced by the philosophy of Geddes new approach in urban planning called the garden city movement.   Howard began to build self-sustaining towns that combines convenience and industries located on agricultural sites (â€Å"Sir Ebenezer Howard†).† Howard realizes that no matter from what nation a man belongs, there is but one social issue which is difficult to solve and that is problems on housing and labor. This propelled many to advocate the new movement and increases the awareness on the concept of â€Å"decency of surroundings† and that includes, ample spaces, clean housing with gardens, and preservation of landscapes (Letchworth). The First Garden City   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Letchworth City is founded by Howard and is the first garden city of the world; in 1905 the garden city movement became involved in the exhibits of new housing called the workers cottage or housing for the working class in which some of it still stood today. Those cheap but strong and functional residences can be affordable to workers.   Some of these cottages made of wood or concrete can still be found in Letchworth streets and is now being conserved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some of the prototype housing called the workers cottages influences the human settlement design of this century.   This new housing designed sprawled even to the west for instance the workers cottages of Architect Maybeck of California and to the whole world at least giving man an accommodation that he humanly deserves. Mass Transportation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fast developments are due to improved transportation and communications.   The streets affect the life of all its inhabitants and this vision is very much encouraged in order to serve a huge population.   This is indeed very necessary but at the same time may lead to a city decline.   This entails thorough planning on how to maintain a good life in a cellular metropolis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Victor Gruen a planning practitioner, mentioned in his last publicized works that â€Å"auto sprawl would cripple the global ecosystem and brings about physical and psychological starvation of the urbanized man (Hill).†Ã‚   Today, some cities plants a good number of trees for every parking slots or spaces created.   Planning theories must be integrated to transit that is useful to automobile cities and providing more mass transit and more freeways.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Automobile cities, needs more spaces unlike the old horse tracks during the colonial times.   Human settlement today cannot tolerate a waste of space in places where living condition is dense.   Somehow, these dense spaces are capable of providing the maximum comfort for man by means of mechanical equipments in buildings. In this cities life is fast and expensive.   Technology is a provision for man’s comfort and not a means to enslave but more often than not it is the other way around.   However, there are many fast developing cities that is capable of coping with the new technology because work is valued in congruent with the dignity of man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gruen proposes a plan that could justify economic productivity of big cities and at the same time create sub cities that would adapt to what he calls â€Å"megalopolitan sprawl†.   However, globalization could also mean going beyond ones land area.   There is still vast area of lands wanting to be developed. There are many nations that are in need to cope with the present dynamics of the new world technology.   And while there are other places where overpopulation is a problem there are affluent cities in the second millennium that the inverted population growth also presupposes danger. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the abstract written by Dr. Mervyn Miller, he mentioned the book written by the founder of Letchworth, â€Å"Tomorrow a Peaceful Path to Real Reform† written in 1898 is very much true to our society of today. He recalls that the garden city is a potent concept in the emergence of the 20th century cities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Contemporary planners addressed the issue by following the course of people like Geddes.   However, due to the increase in the demand on the lease to life, those familiar workers cottages are considered mini-mansions of many career oriented people of today.   Ample spaces are defined as functional spaces due to the ever increasing cost per area of construction in square foot or in meters.   Coping with life that is becoming unsustainable is becoming a depressing problem even more than how George views it in his time. The internationalist who believes that nothing is gained by overcrowding still support the issue on the green environment that is very relevant today.   However, there are trends that are still needed to be discovered and be rediscovered especially within the new technology along on how this new ideas can be within the reach of everyone.   The key here is what kind of technology should be provided to sustain the ordinary man of the streets. The approach that Geddes concept has provided in his time is for the working class of the industrialized period.   That became the reason why today’s environmentalist regarded Geddes a steward in land use and its sustainability. Today, a number of men with the same aspirations of those Internationalist described is very much needed.   This fast growing old planet needs people who are a hundred percent human beings in the middle of the electro- mechanical world. Works Cited Grewar, Mindy. â€Å"Vivendo Discimus: Everything in the Garden Is Magnifique for the Anniversary Celebrations of a Great Scot.†Ã‚   (2004). 11 April 2008 . Hill, David R. † Sustainability, Victor Gruen, and the Cellular Metropolis.†Ã‚   (2008). 11 April 2008 . Killiecrankie. â€Å"Patrick Geddes 1854-1932.†Ã‚   (2008). 11 April 2008 . Lause, Mark. â€Å"Henry George.† 11 April 2008 . Letchworth. â€Å"Letchworth the First Garden City †   (2007). 11 April 2008 . â€Å"Sir Ebenezer Howard.†Ã‚   (2007). 11 April 2008 . University, Regent. â€Å"Lewis Mumford (1895-1988).†Ã‚   (2007). 11 April 2008 .   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bibilical Illusions With The Novel Cry Essay Example for Free

Bibilical Illusions With The Novel Cry Essay Bible (194) , South Africa (114) , Cry, the Beloved Country (10) , Absalom Kumalo (3) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Biblical reference within the story Cry the Beloved Country Many times in literary pieces, allusions are put in novels, used to foreshadow the ending of a book. The most common types of allusions are those from the bible. This is probably because many are familiar with the bible and its stories. The goal of foreshadowing is to provide a way for the reader to think more about the big picture, rather than what is happening page by page. In the novel, Cry the Beloved County, allusions to the Bible are very apparent and hold high significance in the story. The character Absalom shows tremendous similarities to the Biblical Absalom and almost seem to be made out of the same mold. Steven Kumalo from the novel and the simple man Job from the bible are tested in the same way and come out in the end in the same way. Biblical Absalom is essentially wronged by his half-brother Amnon, when his half brother forced his sister Tamar to sleep with him. Similarly Absalom Kumalo is wronged by his father’s, brother’s, son, Matthew, when he will not admit to the court that he was an accessory to murder. Basically, both are wronged by a close family member, Biblical Absalom by his brother, and Absalom Kumalo by his cousin. In both stories, though not shown in depth, the men show a close trusting relationship with the one whom have wronged them. Before Amnon slept with his sister Tamar, Biblical Absalom would have no reason not to trust his brother, just as Absalom Kumalo would not doubt his cousin whom aided him in the murder. Later on, both men find out that, Amnon and Matthew are in it for themselves, not unlike both Absaloms. Absalom Kumalo shot Arthur Jarvis with the intentions of becoming richer. Even though Biblical Absalom killed his brother for sleeping with his sister, with Amnon dead, Absalom would inherit his fathers throne. (Bible p372-380) (Ward pp.188-189) In retrospect, both men were ultimately driven to commit the murder. Absalom Kumalo probably felt that if a white man can underhand him, and deny him money, then he deserves some of his fortune. So because whites men, kept blacks unskilled and did not allow them the same rights, many rebelled against the whites. In the same frame of mind, biblical Absalom’s hatred for his brother was built up until he decided to go through with his murder. Even though Absalom Kumalo shot the white man on accident, he was doing it for his own gain. He went into the  house with the intention of stealing and instead shot a white man out of fear. Though it may seem that he regretted what he had done, which he in some ways did, his crime could not be fully repented. More than anything he probably wishes for Arthur Jarvis to be alive. He doesn’t feels bad about killing him, he simply does not want to deal with the consequences. Biblical Absalom plans out t he murder of his brother when he has him over for dinner. Neither men regret killing a man that was as family to them. (Bible p372-380) (Davis p184) Biblical Absalom murdered his brother Amnon for raping his sister Tamar two years earlier. Absalom Kumalo, on the same note, accidentally murdered a white man, while attempting to rob him. Absalom Kumalo, like biblical Absalom essentially murdered his own brother. Arthur Jarvis, the man Absalom Kumalo shot, was like a brother to the black men. He devoted his life to make a difference in blacks rights in South Africa. For both men, the act of murder on their part, ultimately led to their own demise. Biblical Absalom killed his brother Amnon and when king David found out that Absalom had indeed killed his brother Amnon. After the murder, both men flee the scene. Absalom Kumalo, runs because the price for killing a white man is high. Biblical Absalom flees because he also knows, that if he stays, hash consequences will be enforced. (Bible p372-380) Eventually, both man are captured and die in an unusual manner against both their fathers’ wishes. Absalom Kumalo is hung for his crime, so as to set an example. Though, the hanging of Absalom is not so strange in itself, its almost foretold in the biblical story of Absalom. After biblical Absalom flees his home on a horse, his head gets caught in a tree while passing under. This act is almost too familiar. As biblical Absalom dies with his body off the ground, struggling to get down, Absalom Kumalo dies with his head in a noose, and body dangling above the ground. (Bible p372-380) (Davis p184) In the bible, Job is developed as a man whom would never speak ill of god. Job is tested by Satan, who believes that Job will curse God if his prosperity is taken away. Satan kills Job’s children and all of his livestock, but Job does not lose his faith. Satan then takes away Job health by planting boils all over his body. Job eventually become very disappointed with his life and curses the day he was born. This is a classic example of how no man is perfect and when  Steven was introduced into Cry, the Beloved Country, he seemed to strive for perfection just as Job had in the bible. Job in theory seemed perfect but, Satan proved Job not to be, just as Steven’s family proved him not to be. (Davis pp.265-272) (Bible p572-600) When brought into the story, both Steven and Job seem to be perfect and upright men. Steven, as a simple black parson and Job, as a upright man whom has shown no flaws. Though Steven’s flaws are shown early on the novel, Cry, the Beloved County, he is still seen as a good man. Both men are examples of how bad things sometimes happen to good people. They both try to be the best men they can be, by fixing others mistakes and trying to be good people. Job offered burnt offerings to god everyday for his children who may have cursed god in their hearts and Steven prayed everyday to repent the sins of others and his own. The main thing that made these men eligible to lose so much, was because they had gained so much earlier in life. Though Steven want a rich man, he was far better off than any man in his village, and Job was a very prosperous man and looked well upon by god. (Davis pp.265-272) (Bible p572-600) Since Job was thought so highly of by God, he was tested by Satan in order to see if he would lose his faith. Steven Kumalo is tested in the same way as Job. Steven receives a letter from a priest informing him with the news that his sister, Gertrude, is sick. He leaves his normal life in the valley and travels to the city, with the intentions of bringing her home. When he arrives there, he is confronted with the horrifying news that she is selling herself to men. Steven goes in search of his son Absalom, and eventually finds him. Absalom had shot a white man and is sentence to be hung. Everything that went on in Jhonnaneburg hurt Steven and just like Job, he is tortured to the point where he will break if anything else were to happen. (Bible p572-600) (Ward p.222) In the end, though both men had lost practically everything they cared about, Steven his son and sister, and Job all his children and his prosperity, but then things got significantly better. Steven loses a son but gains a daughter carrying baby, and his sister Gertrude’s son. Job loses all his children but gains ten new children and all his livestock back. It’s an interesting coincidence how both men lose their child or children, but as they regain faith, new children are restored to them. (Davis pp.265-272)  (Bible p572-600) Paton used the name Absalom as an allusion in the story. His goal was probably to allow people to see into the future of Absalom’s mortality. When I first read the story of Absalom, I didn’t any definite similarities but as the stories start intertwining, I understood why he used the name Absalom for Steven’s son. Absalom in general was a greedy boy, who really thought he deserved more and makes the mistake of killing a man which ultimately leads to his own death. Job and Steven, on the other hand, are generally men who strived to be good men. They were tested with their faith and both men failed, but they do gain their faith back, and their happiness along with it. Bibilical Illusions With The Novel Cry. (2016, Jul 11). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Friday, September 27, 2019

Popular Recreation and Resistance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Popular Recreation and Resistance - Essay Example The popular culture is usually observable in such area including clothing, cooking, sports and recreation and also consumption and entertainment. On recreation, we can view golf playing as a popular culture practiced by the rich in the society. Today cultural activities are segregated and there exist restrictions that are formal and also informal. Restrictions apply to those that are not part of that culture and may be tempted to join that culture. Some cultural activities are highly restricted by the laws of the society, an example is a beer drinking, beer drinking, for example, is prohibited in Saudi Arabia and there exist a law that will prosecute those found drinking beer. The drinking of beer, therefore, is a popular culture among the masses of many societies and this culture is proposed by the mass media through advertisements of these brands, the culture is restricted in some societies like Saudi Arabia formally. There also exist informal restrictions to cultural practices, these informal restrictions are those restrictions that do not exist in writing but are termed as norms in the society, and they do not exist in writing but are termed as rules governing behavior. These informal restrictions include the expected reaction by society, the society has informal ways in which to discourage behavior example a person doing wrong may be isolated by society, for example, the case where people have tattoos all over their body, this is a popular culture among the young but in some society the making of such decorations on the skin may lead to one being isolated and disown by the society.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Security Solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security Solution - Essay Example The critical point of the matter is that some of the company’s key competitors have already hacked the company’s strategies and that they are already using their techniques. No one knows anything about the source of the attack. However, the management is suspicious that some greedy employees could be associated with the attack and that they reveal vital information to its competitors. The network administrator of the ABC Company has limited understanding of attack methodologies while the company lacks valid security measures. Information regarding the company’s products, the raw materials available, quantity of finished goods, and their prices has been disclosed through a database which has been open for users from across the company. All company’s information has been easily accessible and modifiable by every user in the organization. This has been the key problem to the company security and has resulted to the attack and has lead to leaking and hacking o f data on their laptops. In order to protect the internal data of the company, adequate security measures should be taken with critical observation of the laid down strategies to ensure success in the attainment of security within the company (Essaaidi et al., 2006). The storage of data should be structured in an appendix whereby each department can have an access only to its information. A specific file saver should contain folders which contain specific information for each department with a ‘login’ option while personnel from a particular department should not be able to access information from another department’s folder. The encryption mechanism should be devised to ensure that data belonging to a particular user is accessible to that user only. The installed OS in the company computers should be updated with the latest patches and fixes while modification on information on each database should only be done by the head of department. Not even the network adm inistrator should have the right to modify information on the database but should, however, access the information in a ‘read only’ mode. In order to ensure that the computers are not accessed from outside the organization, which has greatly contributed to the hacking, the available OS in the computers should be updated and configured. The outdated OS present in the computers need to be updated to ensure that no outsider can access the computers. The company should also consider installing an anti-spyware tool. This tool monitors all activities on the computer. The tool can be accidentally installed within program downloads and other files while their use is often cruel. They can capture passwords credit card details as well as banking credentials and relay them back to cheaters. Anti-spyware will help in monitoring and protecting the computers from spyware threats and is free to update and use (Stamatellos, 2007).   On the implementation of the solutions, the organiz ation will require to inform all employees on the changes and possibly train the relevant authorities on how to operate the installed devices in their computers. The organization should also give briefings to all employees, department heads and the network administrators on the need to have such amendments at such a time. The briefings should be meant to declare the attack an organizational disaster which calls for responsibilities from all partners for its termination. The solutions would ensure that the c

The Subculture of Nerds and Their Rise to Stardom Research Paper

The Subculture of Nerds and Their Rise to Stardom - Research Paper Example Cultural divisions between nerds and popular culture a) The fact that there is certain music, movies, and other interests that are viewed as being solely for nerds. The Treatment of Nerds 1. Bullying Nerds a) The lack of effectiveness in the solutions for picking on nerds that the educational system ash offered and reasons why their actions continue to ineffective. The Nerds’ Status Change 1. Cause of the increased popularity of nerds a) The appearance of the sexy, rich nerd and explanations for the growth in popularity of the nerd subculture Conclusion The Subculture of Nerds and Their Rise to Stardom Introduction Subcultures define the state of high school society. While the identification with a set subculture often fades from a person’s definition of themselves after high school, some people stay members of their groups. Subcultures themselves have a continuation past the school years and emerge in mainstream society. While for some subcultures there is no particula r judgment of being good or bad, there are many subcultures to which many would hesitantly subscribe because of the negative way people in that group are perceived. Nerds, in particular, are a subculture to which the members often have been assigned without their choosing. On the opposite side of judgment stands the popular crowd. Usually, it is the popular subculture that is responsible for the many social ills from which those deemed nerds suffer. Being considered good, they judge against all that are not like them. It is members of this group that give labels to the others. Many who are called nerds would rather not be called thusly. Nerd has been a term used in teasing and still persists in modern bullying. Yet, even with all the persecution that those who are considered nerds must bear, this subculture has received some promotion in today’s society. Being once only a group to be despised, the nerds have actually won fans and there are some who now enjoy being members of this subculture, proudly wearing the label that they have been ascribed. An investigation into the nerds as a subculture cannot effectively be completed without defining just what a nerd is. There are actually many different meanings of the word. For some, a nerd is a special group which is set apart from others whose members display a greater than normal intelligence. Yet, for others it is a name that can be used interchangeably with others. In explaining the stereotype of the nerd, it has been said, â€Å"The stock character nerd is typically depicted as a white male with glasses and large sets of obscure data committed to memory† (Stauffer, 2009). Indeed, media would depict a nerd the same. The controversy lies in making the distinction between the nerds and a similar subculture called ‘geeks’. For many it seems ridiculous to make a distinction between a geek and a nerd, as it has been stated, â€Å"They are called â€Å"nerds,† â€Å"dweebs,† à ¢â‚¬Å"dorks,† â€Å"geeks,† â€Å"brainiacs,† and â€Å"computer jocks† (Kinney, 1993: p.21). All of these names are generally meant to imply someone who is socially inapt and has an above average interest in things like science, math, science fiction, computers, and the like. However, there has been some distinction made. For example, from an interview performed it was quoted, " 'Nerd' is a stickier term that is applied to people in a more negative way," Kendall said. â€Å"

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The History of Incarceration in the United States. The Use of Private Essay

The History of Incarceration in the United States. The Use of Private Prisons to Incarcerate Prison Inmates - Essay Example Since this was the time of the plantation era of our society, it was deemed wise to make use of the prisoners as manual laborers in the factories and plantations. Originated in Auburn, New York, the Congregate System prisoners were expected to live their incarcerated lives dedicated to penance and contemplation since society placed a high value on religious beliefs being the basis for forgiveness of sins. Due to the failure of the Congregate System in terms of helping incarcerated men and women reform and help them lead better lives after leaving prison, the Congregate system had to give way to a new method of incarceration known as the Reformatory Prison (Johnson, Dobrankza & Palla, 2005). This type of incarceration was used to help produce truly reformed citizens who would become part of the socially acceptable era of disciplined gentlemen and ladies. The men were made to participate in military drills in case they were needed to help fight wars, and women were taught the norms of housekeeping and social decorum. (p.6) Both were expected to become productive parts of the new society once they were released back into the general population of the time. However, both the Congregate and Reformatory systems proved to be ill effective in their incarceration methods. Neither method actually provided truly reformed inmates who could be released into mainstream society and be expected to be of any beneficial use to the public. Instead, they always fell back on their old ways and ended up incarcerated yet again. Such dismal failures were the Congregate System and Reformatory Systems that both methods were discontinued and a new type of incarceration was introduced. This became known as the era of the â€Å"Big House†. This was the era of remarkable economic and social growth for the United States thanks to the advent of the rail road. The prisoners, worked as part of â€Å"Chain Gangs† and participated in most of the construction work that the government was undertaking at the time. Remember, this was in the 1930's so our society was beginning to come into its own as part of a highly progressive and modernizing nation. Since our society had a need for male professionals in the workplace and the women were the epitome of housekeeping success, it made sense to use prisoners for the menial and hard labor jobs whenever possible. The Big House can be considered to be the first successful incarceration system in the United States that employed Corporal Punishment to any prisoner who refused to reform. Although considered to be a drastic punishment, the Corporal punishment worked wonders on the prisoners who were successfully reformed. However, even with those punishments in place, the Big House was still a more humane and effective method when it came to helping reform the incarcerated. This is attributed to the fact that the incarcerated Big House members were given a sense of freedom while in the prison and submitting to the will of the prison administrators. Thus a llowing the incarcerated who truly wanted to reform a chance to mend their ways by proving their worth to society in their government assigned places of work like the â€Å"Chain Gangs† of the railroad tracks. (p.9). The early era incarceration system placed too much value on the norms of the outside world for it to be truly effective in reforming the prisoners. They neglected to recognize that while the person is in prison, he would be moving in a different kind of society. One that would dictate whether he survived to see his

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Conventional pharmacological therapies for ischaemic heart diseases Essay - 1

Conventional pharmacological therapies for ischaemic heart diseases and heart failure - Essay Example In the case of myocardial failure abnormality exists in the myocardium which leads to inability of myocardium to fulfill its required function to the heart. This leads to heart failure. In circulatory heart failure, the abnormality of circulation takes place. Any abnormality of circulation responsible for the inadequacy in the body tissue perfusion, for example, changes of vascular tones, decreased blood volume and disorder of heart function. The treatment of pathophysiology given by doctors is that they try to decrease the frequency of angina attack so that the prevention of acute coronary syndromes such as; MI could be survived. There are various treatments which could be given to the patient in case to prevent heart disease or heart failure. Some patients can be treated by the help of Bypass surgery, Left ventricular assist device (LVAD), Heart valve surgery, Infarct exclusion surgery or Heart transplant. All these treatments depend on the patient’s current state. (Heart Fa ilure Treatment)The proper diet helps to prevent heart failure which includes; fruits, vegetables, low fat products, eggs, meat, seafood, nuts, beans, peas etc. This could be done by taking the control over cholesterol improvement, blood pressure control, serum glucose control and smoking habits in the patients. (How Is Heart Failure Treated? )This whole treatment depends on after the doctor diagnoses the exact stage of heart failure. Heart failure can also be treated by the therapy of drugs treatment. The usage of such drugs might result in the cardiac of Congestive heart failure (CHF). Congestive heart failure is a clinical syndrome, which is developed due to the accumulation of the blood. The blood which is in front of the left heart or the blood on the right parts of the heart (Hanacek). The drugs may put the effect on cardiac preload, cardiac afterload or myocardial contractility. Those drugs which increase the cardiac preload or afterload will be harmful for the patient, and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Baiersdorf Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Baiersdorf - Case Study Example As the paper highlights, the financial crisis has brought an adverse impact on Baiersdorf and in the first quarter of 2009, the company has switched to â‚ ¬1,029 million deposits into security to diversify its risks due to financial crisis. Just after the financial crisis, the year 2009 was very difficult for the company. Although the revenue was still relatively high at â‚ ¬5,748 million in 2008, the company has reported â‚ ¬5,633 million revenue in 2009, which is far less than the previous year. Thus, from the year 2008, a major restructuring procedure has begun in its various segments and is still going on. The prime objective of this report is to examine whether the restructuring strategy is really helpful for the company to move out the impacts of recession or not. The findings has suggested that proper implementation of the strategies like, product life cycle, international business strategy, product innovation and human resource management can make the local companies to create customer base in both local and host market. In addition to that, it also helps them to create brand awareness in the global market. Conducting this research has been one of the moat preferable and learning experiences in my life. It was exceptionally enhancing my knowledge and basic skill of analysis. Now, I am quite capable to handle the real life challenges that I can face while handling the real life problems. However, all these would have not been possible without special guidance and help of form many persons. First, I would like thank my supervisor for guidance and constant assistance throughout the research. After that a special thanks goes to my academic guides who shared their view and knowledge to encourage me. Finally, I would like to my team members who share their valuable insights with me and gave the strengths require to conduct the research. Based in Germany Baiersdorf is one the largest names in the global industry of personal care and cosmetics.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Childhood Obesity in School Essay Example for Free

Childhood Obesity in School Essay Childhood obesity is a problem in the United States. It affects a child’s life tremendously. Childhood obesity in school is an important subject for one to learn about. People who have children or plan on having children need to know the risks that are involved in this disorder. Childhood obesity is a serious problem for children but it can be worse in schools. School life is hard enough for a child to adjust; it is even harder for a child to deal with school and obesity at the same time. There are many aspects to how childhood obesity affects children in schools: it affects their learning abilities, it affects their social skills and their psychological well-being, and it also affects their health. Childhood obesity is when a child has an excessive amount of body fat in relationship to lean body mass. Childhood obesity is sometimes a genetic disorder and sometimes an environmental situation issue. By genetics it means it can be given to the child by anyone in their family lineage. By environmental situation issues it means it is based on the foods a child eats, whether they exercise regularly, or by the habits they learn. Mass media also is a consideration in child obesity as advertisements can affect how a child wants to eat. Fast food companies attract many children just in their advertisements alone. The internet also affects children and they get to use the internet at school. They see advertisements online or play games online that make them not want to be active in everyday life. There are so many aspects to a child’s life that can lead to obesity and most of it starts at home but then overflows into the academic life of a child. Children who are obese tend to have more health issues and the health concerns can affect their everyday school life. The regularity of childhood obesity is a public health concern. Childhood obesity is connected to a variety of detrimental health conditions including diabetes, metabolic  syndrome, and heart disease (Freedman, Diets, Srinivasan, and Berenson, 1999). The more health issues a child has the more it affects school life. Children with health concerns from obesity end up missing a number of days for being sick and that puts them behind in their school work. The time away from school leads to missed assignments and also less socialization time with peers. Children who are obese tend to be sleepy and not be able to pay attention during classroom lectures. Overweight children also can have serious health issues now and as well in adult years; such as high cholesterol and blood pressure, bone and joint issues, and even sleep disorders which can affect every day routine (John, H., 2011). The problem of obesity is not contained than it will â€Å"surpass tobacco as the leading cause of death† (Bhattacharya 2004, p.1). Childhood obesity affects children with their learning abilities in the classroom. Occasionally how a child is affected educationally by childhood obesity is not as obvious as the health concerns that arise from the obesity. Children who are obese tend to have low self-esteem and do not participate as well in class discussions. As new clinical practice guidelines are being developed to address childhood obesity, the reduction of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem associated with being overweight should also be considered in developing the guidelines (Cornette, 2008). It has not really been studied accurately or in excess but one would wonder if obesity would affect the brain because of lack of blood flow or just lack of healthiness. If the brain is hindered in any way then learning is definitely impacted. Obese children have a hard time with the affects obesity has on their social skills and their psychological well-being. Being bullied is something that is a common occurrence with obese children. Obese children have a hard time socializing due to being picked on. They also get labeled with titles that sometimes do not fit them just because of their appearance: lazy, slouch, unattractive, and mean. Sometimes they actually get labeled as the bully because of their size when actually they are not. Obesity in children is also associated with an elevated risk of various psychosocial problems. Children who suffer from obesity are more likely to have behavioral problems  and emotional disturbances (Stradmeijer, Bosch, Koops, and Seidell, 2000). Obesity limits students’ ability to excel in social and psychological problems, such as being bullied and low self-esteem. Obese children that are bullied can be very emotional or very quiet and hold everything in and that can lead to other problems as well. Results from a small-scale study of 106 obese children, between the ages of 5 and 18, revealed that obese students were often subject to teasing and ostracism, and that they reported having trouble keeping up with their peers, both physically and academically the emotional and social stress from being obese can be very hard on a child (Browman, Darcia Harris, 2003). Both as a parent or a student, all should understand the emotional and physical impacts that can cause great danger to an overweight child. Children with an inactive lifestyle, large at birth, with high-risk family health behaviors, and from a family with low income or low education attainment, were more likely to be obese. Findings suggest that interventions targeting family and supporting people to implement lifestyle changes are promising to prevent childhood obesity (Brophy, Cooksey, Gravenor, Mistry, Thomas, Lyons Williams, 2009). In addition, efforts appear to be focused on reducing weight, a small amount attention is directed to the psycho-socio-emotional effect that being overweight have on children. Studies are important because they show that childhood obesity is not only associated with health risk but also with problems in social interactions and relationships (Janssen, Craig, Boyce Pickett, 2003). Children that are obese also have a hard time doing some of the activities in school. When interviewing two teachers at Tennessee Ridge Elementary School and asking them about the effects of childhood obesity in their classrooms both had somewhat of the same answer. â€Å"Obese children have a harder time playing most of the physical activities I have planned that involve them getting up and down a lot† (Moore, 2012). As well as Mrs. Tomlinson (2012) stated that â€Å"children who are overweight seem to have a hard time getting up and down during our rug times and seem to have difficulty sitting in the crisscross position for more than a few minutes†. These students end up feeling like they are left out or feeling different than other children. They are also less likely to be able to keep up with  the other children on the playground. This is where one runs into the situation of being picked last on the playground or just simply being left out. This leads to a lot of the other complications obese children face in schools. There are many ways that the school system tries to help children stay fit and not have to battle obesity. One of the ways the schools try to help is by serving healthy lunches and snacks. They have also taken vending machines out of schools as much as possible. Also the schools try to ensure every child gets plenty of physical activity time and recess time. Teachers add activities that involve moving and being active in their curriculums; such as allowing children to sit on exercise balls while doing desk work and doing learning drills with physical activities. Exercising actually makes children less stressed and makes them focused on learning. â€Å"Young children who exercise at school perform better in concentration tests, researchers have said after a study on pupils in Aberdeen† (Williams, 2010). Being active and watching what a child eats can significantly help children it also teaches them good habits that will benefit them later on in life as well. Another way children learn is by example and teachers can set an example for children as well as their parents can. For example, teachers are not allowed to carry soda cans around they have to put it in different containers if they are drinking soda at school. Even with the schools being involved it is important for parents to do the same at home. Most schools and communities offer health programs and exercise classes for parents and children. Children are at school as much as they are at home and so in order to help children with obesity it needs to be a joint effort. Obesity is a serious situation and in children it is more serious. Obesity can affect a child a lot more than an adult because of all the social and emotional situations that arise that obese children are not ready to handle. Sometimes children cannot handle situations as well as adults can. The effects of childhood obesity can be very overwhelming to a child especially in the school environment. It is important for people to be aware of the effects of obesity in children and in the school system. Having obesity affect so much of a child’s school life can also interfere with their  future. Obesity harmfully impacting academics should make parents, educators, and policy makers alike have an even greater incentive to curb the threat of obesity in this country. References Bhattacharya, S. (2004). Obesity to Surpass Tobacco as Top U.S. Killer. Retrieved Boyce, W., PhD, Craig, W., PhD, Janssen, I., PhD, Pickett, W., PhD (2003). Associations between overweight and obesity with bullying behaviors in school-aged children. PEDIATRICS , 113(1187), Retrieved from: Brophy, S., Cooksey, R., Gravenor, M., Mistry, R., Thomas, N., Lyons, R., Williams, R.(2009). Risk factors for childhood obesity at age 5: Analysis of the millennium Cohortstudy. BMC Public Health, 9(467), doi: 10.1 186/1471-2458-9-467 Browman, Darcia Harris, 2003. Child Obesity Hurts Emotional Health, Study Says. Education Week: Vol 22, Issue 32, p. 9. Cornette, R. (2008). The emotional impact of obesity on children. Worldviews on EvidenceBased Nursing, 5(3), 136-141. doi: 1545-1021/08 Freedman, D. S., Dietz, W. H., Srinivasan, S. R., Berenson, G. S. (1999). The relation ofobese to cardiovascular risk factors among children and adolescents: The BogalusaHeart Study. Pediatrics, 103, 1175-1182. John, H. (2011, 3 12). Retrieved from Moore, S. (2012, Decemeber, 01). Interview by B.A. Self [Personal Interview]. What effects do you see childhood obesity having in your classroom? Stradmeijer, M., Bosch, J., Koops, W., Seidell, J. (2000). Family functioning and psychosocial adjustment in obese youngsters. International Journal of Eating Disorders,27, 110-114. Tomlinson, J. (2012, November, 29). Interview by B.A. Self [Personal Interview]. What effects do you see childhood obesity having in your classroom? Williams, J. (2010, April 19). Bbc world news. Retrieved from ht tp://

Friday, September 20, 2019

Bluetooth Connection GFSK

Bluetooth Connection GFSK BACKGROUND OF BLUETOOTH TECHNOLOGY: Bluetooth was originally formed by the following five entities: IBM INTEL ERICSSON NOKIA TOSHIBA The initial five have grown to well over a thousand companies at this point and the number is increasing. Though Bluetooth is not quite as popular as 802.11, there are number of applications for a wide array of divergent wireless devices. For interesting background where exactly Bluetooth get its name? Contrary to what your dentist might think it is not from eating blueberries. The actual origin of this term is formed from a tenth century Scandinavian king whose name was HARALD BLUETOOTH. The connection is that in his real life he managed to unite several disparate kingdoms under one area. The idea was to make Bluetooth encompass a kingdom of different devices and to create a convergence of many different devices under the umbrella of one global specification. 1.2 WHAT IS BLUETOOTH WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY? Bluetooth wireless is an open specification for a low-cast , low power, short-range radio technology for ad hoc wireless communication of voice and data any where in the world. Lets examine each of these attributes An open specification means that the specification is publicly available and royalty free Short range radio technology means device can communicate over the air using radio waves at a distance of 10 meters. With higher transmission power the range increases to approximately 100 meters. Because communication is with in a short range, the radios are low power and are suited for portable, battery-operated devices. Bluetooth wireless technology supports both voice and data, allowing devices to communicate either type of content 2. BLUETOOTH MODULATION 2.1 Modulation Introduction Bluetooth uses Gaussian frequency shift keying (GFSK). More explicitly, Bluetooth 0.5 BT Gaussian filtered frequency shift keying (2FSK) also referred to as binary frequency shift keying (BFSK) at one M symbols/s with a channel spacing of 1MHz. Since only two frequencies are used one bit is one symbol (i.e. one indicates a positive frequency deviation (normally 157.5 KHz) from the carrier, and a zero indicates a negative frequency deviation (normally 157.5 KHz) from the carrier). The figure shows that amplitude versus time as well as constellation diagram plot of 2FSK modulation that is used for Bluetooth. The frequency deviation range is between 140 175 KHz. 2.2 Summary of Bluetooth modulation requirements To receive Bluetooth qualification, a radio must have the following modulation characteristics: GFSK with BT at 0.5 Symbol rate of 1 mega symbols per second (Ms/s), corresponding to a data rate of 1 Mb/s modulation index beta between 0.28 0.35 Binary 1 with a positive fd and 0 with a negative fd Symbol timing better than +20, -20 parts per million (PPM) Zero crossing error not greater than 1/8 of a symbol period The fd corresponding to a 1010 sequence to be at least 80 % of fd corresponding to a 00001111 sequence Minimum fd equal to 115 KHz Most of the previous modulation characteristics are self explanatory except perhaps the last two. If the modulation index is between 0.28 0.35, then equation 3.18 tell us that the corresponding fd must be between 140 175 KHz. This can be considered a â€Å"steady state† fd for a long sequence of binary ones or zeroes. Due to the ISI inherent in GFSK its possible that fd may not reach its maximum value for a binary sequence that alternates between 1 0. The specification requires that fd under these conditions reach at least 115 KHz, which is about 80 % of the minimum steady state fd of 140 KHz. 2.3 Bluetooth Data Rates and Data Packets The theoretical maximum data rate is 1 Mbps, but due to overhead, the maximum realizable asymmetric data rate is reduced to 723.2 Kbps. This is also a bit misleading because the reverse link has a much lower data rate. The table shows is a summary of the possible data rates for the various packet sizes. The information is transmitted in a packet in a time slot. Each time slot corresponds to an RF hop frequency. A packet of information can be transmitted in one time slot, three time slots, or five time slots. Naturally, a five slot packet carries more information than a three slot packet, which carries more than a one slot packet. Data high rate (DH) achieves higher data rates by using less error correction in the packets. Data medium (DM) rate achieves a lower bit error rate probability by using more error correction in the packets. A Bluetooth packet is shown in the figure. 2.4 Bluetooth Modulated Signal A modulated signal can be denoted as: Where fc is the carrier frequency, T is the bit period, h is the modulation index and x(t) is the input of the modulator. The above equation can be viewed as the output of a voltage controlled oscillator with an input of x(t). In FSK modulation, x(t) is a binary signal whereas in GFSK modulation, the binary signal is first passed through a low pass Gaussian filter to produce x(t). This is shown in below figure. GFSK modulation is determined by two parameters: the modulation index (h) and the bandwidth of the Gaussian filter. The Gaussian filter is usually characterized by the bandwidth-time product (BT), which is equal to the 3-db bandwidth of the Gaussian filter (B) times the bit period (T). In Bluetooth the bit rate is 1Mb/s, BT is 0.5 in the modulation index varies from 0.28 to 0.35, the figure above shows the simulated spectrum of a Bluetooth signal. Note that the well known Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) is a special case of GFSK in the modulation index 0.5. 2.5 Frequency Hopping The physical connection of Bluetooth uses frequency hopping at 1 MHz hops at the actual carrier is spread spectrum modulated. This is known as frequency hop spectrum and is used to improve immunity from interference mainly from IEEE 802; WiFi WLAN shares the same spectrum as other users of the ISM band for example transitorily operated microwave ovens. There is a fundamentally sound reason for this approach. WLANs occupy significantly more bandwidth than 1 MHz and employ SS techniques, in which a pseudo-random code is used to modulate the information transmitted. At the receiver the same pseudo-random code has to be available to de-modulate it successfully called co-relation. As a result, many WLANs using different pseudo codes can transmit simultaneously without mutual interference. The Bluetooth frequency-hop system appears as an un-correlated noise like signal to a WLAN receiver and what is more its signal energy is spread over the entire band of the WLAN by the de-correlated demodulation process. SO in practice mutual interference amounts only to a raised noise floor for both systems. A raise noise floor simply reduces the available carrier to noise and hence reduces the range possible. This is the main effect of mutual interference. An exception can occur when signals are so strong because of the close proximity of the antenna s, that they overwhelm a receiver. Bluetooth frequency rate is chosen to be 1600 hops per second with a 625 us dwell time per hop. The minimum dual time of 625 us corresponds to a single time slot. Part of this hop timing is taken up by the guard time 220 us allowing the hardware based frequency synthesizer time to settle. The transmission channel is derived from the time slots, spread over 79 or 23 frequencies. The frequency hoping scheme uses time division multiplexing (TDMA), as illustrated in the figure, where the frequency step n=1MHz. 2.6 Piconets A piconet is formed by two or more devices discover each other and begin to communicate. A piconet can have up to eight devices, with one device acting as a master and the rest acting as slsaves. The first device initiates transmission becomes the master, although the specification provides for a master and slave unit to exchange roles. A specific frequency-hopping sequence is used by all devices within each piconet. The figure shows the simplest example of a piconet. In the figure, a cell phone is downloading the address book and telephone number information to the users laptop. In this example the laptop acts as the master. The application software running on the laptop contacts the cell phone when it is within range, and requests that it synchronize its database with the one stored on the laptop. As stated earlier a single piconet can have up to eight devices. The reason for this limit is simple: The address is only three bit long. This means that in binary only the value of 0 7 can be stored in the address field. The master has no address but zero is reserved for broadcast messages; so the only addresses remaining for use by slaves are 1 7. However, a device can participate in two different piconets called a scatternet. The figure shows an example of a larger piconet, in which one master controls multiple slaves in a piconet. You can see that its possible to link various devices in a piconet. You can download digital images from your digital camera to the laptop, use more than one Bluetooth-enabled cell phone to place voice calls and even contact a personal digital assistant PDA to the laptop to exchange information. Another interesting thing to note in this figure is that you can also use a single connection to the internet without having to have a direct cable connection to the modem or broadband connection. 2.7 Scatternets A device can be master of only one piconet. The device can, at the same time, also be a slave in another piconet that is within range. A slave can also participate in two different piconets that are within its range. However, because the master device determines the hoping pattern used for a piconet, a device cannot be a master of more than one piconet. An example of a simple scatternet is shown in figure. In this figure, a laptop computer communicates with devices in both piconets. Note that the laptop is a slave in both piconets. It is possible, however, for the laptop to be a master in one piconet and a slave in another (as shown in the figure). When a device is member of two piconets it keeps track of both frequency-hoping patterns and occasionally listens in on the correct frequency on each of the two piconerts so that it can stay in touch with both piconets. A master device transmits a packet to its slaves occasionally to maintain the link, base band on negotiations between the master and its slave devices. Thus, a device that is a member of two piconets must listen for these transmissions (or make them if its the master in one piconet) within the time frame negotiated for each of the piconets of which it is member. The above explanation can be understand better with the below figure. Bluetooth transmitter consists of CODE MAPING PFD BALUN AMPLIFIERS AMPLIFIER DETECTOR CHARGE PUMP T/R SWITCH PFD/CP CAP ARRAY 3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Bluetooth The main advantage of Bluetooth is its compact form and portability. This technology can be manufactured cheap and can be integrated to micro-levels easily. Bluetooth signals are very resistant to weather conditions and can often operate where other technologies may fail. Despite its short range the technology can be very effective and cheap where long distance coverage is not required. In modern hardware Bluetooth is being used widely. Almost all platforms are benefiting from its cheap production such as cell phones, gaming consoles, computer peripheral devices etc. Even computers can achieve LAN connectivity using Bluetooth. Another great feature of this technology is its less power consumption. The only disadvantage of this technology is perhaps its short range and limited connections i.e. only up to eight devices can connect be connected simultaneously. 4. Conclusion The main aims of Bluetooth are to provide universal radio interference for ad hoc wireless connectivity at low cost, delivering modest speed (1-3Mbps) short range (1-100M) and low power consumption. Bluetooth is a very powerful tool. This technology has proven to be very cost effective and powerful. Over the years we have seen rapid enhancements in this technology. This technology has replaced the previously famous infrared technology which was dependent on line of sight connections. Through Bluetooth one can achieve an effective data transfer rate and easier connectivity regardless the weather conditions. References 1. Kumar Bala C, Klien Paul, Thomson Tin, Thomson J. Timothy; Bluetooth application programming with Java applications 2. Iniewski Krzysztof; Wireless Technologies: Circuit, Systems, Devices 3. Miller Stewart S.; WiFi Security 4. Patrick David, Morrow Robert; Wireless network Co-Existence 5. Ganguly Madushree; Getting Started With Bluetooth 6. Kelly Jod, Schaub Keith B.; Production Testing of RF and System-on-Chip Devices for Wireless 7. Nicholas Randall K., Lekkas Panos C.; Wireless Security: Models, Threats and Solution 8. Golrnie Nada; Coexistance in Wireless Networks: Challenges and System Solutions 9. Prabhu C. S. R., Reddi Prathap A.; Bluetooth Technology and its Applications with Java and J2ME 10. Zolfaghari Ali Raza; Low-Power CMOS Design for Wireless Transceivers 11. Morrow Robert, Laroka James; Demystified: Operation and Use 12. Muller Scott; Upgrading and Repairing Networks 13. Hill Goff; The Cable and Telecommunication Professional References PSTN, IP

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf Essay -- Childrens Lite

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf Have you ever wondered what the wolf's side of The Three Little Pigs story was? Well, Jon Scieszka gives his readers the opportunity to see a different perspective dealing with this very circumstance. In many of his books, including The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf, Scieszka has used this style of writing that varies from the norm. Every turn of the page gives rise to new wonder and suspense as to what the reader will encounter as he or she moves through the pages of this intriguing book. Many of us grew up hearing fairy tales and nursery rhymes and most of us accepted them the way that they were. However, Jon Scieszka likes to take his readers on "adventures" through the "other side." He twists well-known stories around just enough to challenge the view that we have had for so long, yet not so much that we are unable to realize what story he is "imitating" or "mocking." The story of the three little pigs traditionally makes the wolf out to be bad and ends with the third little pig triumphing over the huffing, puff... The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf Essay -- Childrens Lite The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf Have you ever wondered what the wolf's side of The Three Little Pigs story was? Well, Jon Scieszka gives his readers the opportunity to see a different perspective dealing with this very circumstance. In many of his books, including The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf, Scieszka has used this style of writing that varies from the norm. Every turn of the page gives rise to new wonder and suspense as to what the reader will encounter as he or she moves through the pages of this intriguing book. Many of us grew up hearing fairy tales and nursery rhymes and most of us accepted them the way that they were. However, Jon Scieszka likes to take his readers on "adventures" through the "other side." He twists well-known stories around just enough to challenge the view that we have had for so long, yet not so much that we are unable to realize what story he is "imitating" or "mocking." The story of the three little pigs traditionally makes the wolf out to be bad and ends with the third little pig triumphing over the huffing, puff...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Doing Business in China :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Doing Business in China How to do Business in China Overview: China remains an untapped market with great growth potential for companies seeking to do business in there. Be aware that the Chinese community is weary of companies entering the country because they believe that most companies are there to make a fast dollar. However, if a western company follows a few simple rules and adheres to some cultural outlines, success in China can be achieved. Culture: Building relationships are crucial in China. Also known as guanxi. It would be helpful to build a few relationships with companies prior to even suggesting that you want to operate in China. A person known to both parties should arrange introductions to a Chinese company. Chinese business people are unlikely to meet with strangers. Westerners will find that production, distribution, and advertising of a product or solution flows easiest once crucial relationships have been built. A large amount of business is conducted at after hour’s entertainment gatherings. Do not hesitate to bring small gifts as mementos of your visit. Learn the language. Although the country has many dialects, Mandarin is the official language of China. Lastly, do not be rigid in your ways. Deals are often delayed in China. Learn to be flexible. Meetings: The first rule of a business meeting in China is to be punctual. If a meeting is set for 8am, then be there at or before 8am. It is customary for the senior member of a group to enter a meeting room first. This member also guides discussion during the meeting. Government: Never underestimate the power of the Chinese government in business. Remember, the communist party is still the biggest company is China. Remember that a network of business executives in China extends not only throughout the corporate world, but also throughout the government bureaucracy. Many Hong Kong entrepreneurs will freely admit that it's important to grease the wheels of government bureaucracy with well-placed gifts and personal relationships with those in power. Proceed with extreme caution when it comes to gifts.

Live With Lightning Essay -- Essays Papers

Live With Lightning The main hero of the novel is looking for an answer to the question: â€Å"What is his place as a scientist in the world.† The book focuses on the historic period from the 30s till the end of the World War II. A common American post-student wants to become a scientist. He has nothing except his talent, courage, patience, persistence, and strong will to devote his life to physics. On obtaining his diploma and his appointment as an assistant and teacher in the University of Columbia, he spent his summer washing dishes, working at a gas station in a place with a significant name High Hope. He found by chance that he had taken the job from a man who had a family to support. Eric Gorin moved on. When asked whether he is especially interested in any particular field of physics, Eric frankly answered that he didn’t know enough about any of them yet. One of Eric’s professors Hollingworth is very kind to him, but physics is only a career, his way of making money. Eric was going to teach freshman physics lab and take his own courses towards his doctorate as well. â€Å"You’ll probably find the first year rather confusing and hard work to teach between the two schedules, but things will straighten out for you after a while. â€Å" – indifferently notices Earle Fox, department chairman. Eric is proud of talking to the Nobel Price winner, such a prominent figure in science But Earle Fox is a good artist. No one could guess how empty and unhappy his life is, the life of a skeptic and pessimist, the life of stereotype and standard. He never cared for the work, never put even a spark of passion into it. No soul there could be in the pure, abstract science. The men Fox saw had a fine and delicate intelligence, but the society which had reared them, had also told them that they were working in fields that were foreign to mainstreams of ordinary endeavor. The knew the verdict pronounced on them was the opposite of justice, they had made themselves willing to believe that science which they found most interesting in life had no connection with life. They found the peace, which made work possible. So that from disenchantment with the science, he had progressed to contempt for its practitioners and to a still profounder contempt to what he did. Earl Fox is the first symbolic impediment for Eric. He asked Gorin what made a young man choose of all... ...e going to make the grade as a civilization. The millennium was at hand. But the hopes were destroyed; atomic energy was used as a threat, open or implied to frighten other countries. He preferred painful, distressing truth to a peace-giving lie. He chose his way, and understood that every lab in the country was under pressure buy the military men and the people who had deliberately confused the bomb with atomic energy. He says: â€Å" I’m not going to be any Earl Fox. No student will hear me say, â€Å" What difference does it make?† Everything makes a difference now. Indifference is condemnation of the human race said Febermaher. Indifference is innocence sinister, which makes the minds and souls deliberately atrophied. When Americans asked, with horror, â€Å" How could the Germans be made to believe such things?† Febermaher was tempted to reply, â€Å" What makes Americans think that they would be any different†. Indifference is the bovine stupidity with which a herd of cows watch one of their own number being slaughter. And this sinister innocence is the ultimate cruelty of the universal kind. In America it is called cruelty, in Europe, the other side of the coin was called practicality.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Honors English- Animal Farm Essay

Fhorest Padilla #209156Padilla 1 Honors English- Animal Farm Essay 2/10/10 The Failure to Improve Society ultimately becomes what it hates the most in order to continually keep moving forward into the future. This is the same for the animals in Animal Farm; they have human aspects in order to give a better understanding even though animals dislike humans. The animals are failing to make living like humans better than the humans do. Lifestyle of the pigs is far better than any of the other animals on the farm and it is seemingly unfair.Although the animal’s lifestyle is improving, it still seems that all the other animals are not being given the same treatment as the pigs have. The commandments are a model for all the animals to follow, but they are not really needed. On Animal Farm â€Å"the commandments are being written on the [tarred] wall with great white letters† (Orwell 24). The seven commandments be seen as a dynamic character because of their change in meaning o r what they are thought to mean, but are changing because of Squealer’s propaganda.With this the genre of Animal Farm is also the best example of what Stalin is doing in Russia. Although something may not be evenly in comparison there is a greater reason behind it. Boxer is the strongest and hardest working of all the animals, but he is also one that is least of value to all the pigs. Boxer’s maxims, â€Å"I will work harder(Orwell 125)† is a reminder to all the animals of what he and Animal Farm stands for. The motif of Boxer’s maxim is a perfect example for all the animals to follow.Also the animal’s only real motivation to work harder is that they all do not want Mr. Jones to return. Working hard for anything that has meaning pays off in the end. The success of all the animals has nothing to do with the pigs. â€Å"All animals are working like slaves, except the pigs (Orwell 59). † The windmill is a symbol of life to all the animals; it i s their only reason for living. Napoleon’s analogy of how the farm is now; to how it was when Mr. Jones was on the farm does not make sense. Success is on what is put into it; it is ll on how much effort is put forward. All in all someone or something, like the animals, is unjustly does not have the same equality as others do. The life of the pigs is made better because they make it, but this is not by the choice of the other animals. The pigs abuse their self obtainment of leadership and end up making life even harder for the other animals. All of the animals should be equal, and it has the assumption that they are, but they really are not. Equality is keen and should be properly in use all around the world.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Roles Responsibilities And Relationships In Lifelong Learning Education Essay

This assignment aims to analyze my voluntary ESOL Tutor function, duties and boundaries following with facets of statute law, advancing equality and diverseness in womb-to-tomb acquisition. Review points of referral ; measure my duties in relation to other professionals and explicate how to advance behavior and regard. Gravells writes that the function of a instructor is varied. Aside from learning he or she may happen oneself training, reding, preparation, measuring, mentoring, promoting and back uping scholars as and when necessary ( Gravells 2010, 8 ) and besides recommend instructors the learning rhythm activities including: Identifying demands, Planning, Designing, Facilitating, Assessing, and Evaluating. Students, particularly grownups wo n't appreciate a hostile or nerve-racking environment ; they will go forth the class at the first java interruption! I will take attention to fix the acquisition environment safe, secure, gratifying and guaranting it is suited and accessible for all scholars, both physically and emotionally, adhering to the Health and Safety at Work Act ( 1974 ) . To maintain their attending, I need to happen the right balance between the function theoretical account and the authorization figure in a manner that they feel respected and so esteem me and â€Å" puting land regulations helps everyone cognize their bounds † ( Gravells 2008 ) . The instructor promotes to all scholars ethical and societal values, irrelevant of their coloring material, sex gender, nationality or cultural beginnings. When â€Å" acquisition is the procedure whereby cognition is created through the transmutation of experience † ( David A. Kolb, 1984 ) , successful accomplishmen ts are based on affecting and including scholars to show their point of position, collaborate and portion thoughts. Why are they making this class? What do they anticipate from it? What is their motive? â€Å" As a individual matures the motive to larn is internal † ( Knowles 1984:12 ) .Some grownups will make further surveies for a societal intent and others as a personal or professional development. The construct of motive based on demands was developed in 1943 by Abraham Maslow. His theory defines that † our endurance needs must be satisfied first † ( A.Maslow, 1943 ) . After that we are motivated to make our high degrees of demands. In Maslow ‘s hierarchy represented as a pyramid are included five ends: physiological demands, safety demands, love demands, esteem demands, and the demand for self-actualization. Using Maslow ‘s theoretical account when learning we approach and understand scholars ‘ demands. It is of import to place the scholar ‘s demands, so I can plan the class ( ESOL ) to reflect the single differences as: societal ( how the scholar ca n interact with others ) , physical ( how a scholar can entree larning holding cut down mobility ) , rational ( how a scholar addition new accomplishments ) , cultural ( might impact values and beliefs ) , emotional ( ability to concentrate ) . Once the demands of the scholars have been identified I would be after and plan the ESOL class stuffs and resources which meet the demands and the demands of the scholars, integrating a scope of relevant activities within the length of clip allocated to each Sessionss. Petty ( 2009 ) provinces, that scholar expect to be treated reasonably with no favoritism shown to any pupils. As a instructor I adhere to the Equality Act 2010 delivering or facilitating Sessionss to advance equality through inclusion of everyone, valuing diverseness utilizing distinction, avoid favoritism, and demo regard to all my scholars, whilst moving as a function theoretical account at all times. I will prosecute and actuate scholars, utilizing unfastened duologue to promote scholars to take part. I will be courageous and ambitious to make and develop effectual programs, clear purposes and aims and all records and paperwork up to day of the month and filled firmly, following with Data Protection Act ( 1998 ) . I will measure scholars reasonably utilizing multiple appraisals steps as: written trials, unwritten interview, category presentation, function drama, fill in the clean trial, multiple pick tests, observation and reexamine their advancement on an on-going footing, given them an accurate, concise feedback. This will assist me to find any single support required, to guarantee scholars development throughout the class. Their advancement and accomplishments can be recorded utilizing a scholar ILP or on a portfolio. After each session I would completeA a lesson rating ( study ) which includes: strengths of the session and countries for development and betterments. As a instructor I make certain that all press releases, lesson programs, presentations and any other authorship I use, is spellchecked as any spelling errors will reflect on the scholars! I understand that as a demand, I must guarantee to hold the cognition and attributes suited for the teaching place: being adaptative, effectual communicator, resourceful, empathic, compromising, confident, originative, dedicated, enthusiastic, flexible, patient, organised, professional, receptive, respectful, responsible, antiphonal, trusty, supportive and â€Å" the instructor ‘s ain uninterrupted professional development ( CPD ) † , ( Gravells 2010,8 ) . Teachers must move in a professional mode, understanding about learning and larning, keeping professional relationships ; adhere to the regulations, ordinance and statute law, codifications of pattern, respect pupil ‘s right to decline to unwrap sensitive information and maintain scholar ‘s personal information confidential. Other functions of a instructor are to intercede with external organic structures, mentioning scholars for reding and non at last to advance behavior and regard. Our purpose is to handle another with regard, portion our duties, moving as a function theoretical account, working alongside with the constabulary, local governments, and households to guarantee that good behavior and regard are promoted and everyone has the tools they need to stand against anti-social behavior.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Common Law Assignment

Jessie statement made to Ian that he is happy to ‘let go' of his car with the wording he has used has the potential to aka the situation somewhat ambiguous, Jessie true intentions are unclear. The statement is not definite and lacks sufficient finality for the statement to be classed as an offer. Although his wording is uncertain the courts will also look at what context the statement was made and because Ian did state he wanted to ‘buy a car for his daughter then the statement can be argued both ways.Jessie then invited Ian to his home to look at the car although there is still no conversation about the sale of the car. This offer doesn't have terms that are clear and final and therefore the requirement off valid offer has not been satisfied. It's important in deciding if valid acceptance has occurred to acknowledge that acceptance must be clear, absolute and identical to the terms in this case Ian in not having full knowledge of the terms has accepted without full knowl edge of the offer.He did not communicate acceptance to the offer Jessie. Ian in his actions of the visit to Jessie house to look at the car and his daughter taking full possession of the car cannot be seen as valid acceptance as Ian acted in ignorance of the offer Question 1 B Ian and Jessie at no point stated that they had any intention to enter into any binding agreement to create legal relations.The court will apply two tests the commercial presumption and the social and domestic presumption to determine if the parties had intended to create legal relations The language used by Ian in this case from the first discussion regarding the car, to the discussion regarding the ‘Market Value' seemed somewhat of a social nature rather than a commercial arrangement.Jessie at no point made any indication to Ian regarding a legally binding agreement and he at no point made any suggestion's to Ian that he was selling his car the court could el in favor of the social domestic presumption this was simply an arrangement between friends no intention to create legal relations have been satisfied Question Nan's consideration for the car is too vague and could be seen to be too affected by uncertainty due to there being at no point any talk of a sale or payment.Ian could not have provided good consideration in this case; it's unclear whether he provided consideration at all because an agreement has not been reached by both parties. A mere discussion between friends on the Market value of the car in question could not be seen as valid consideration. Question ID There is no valid contract between Jessie and Ian because all elements of a contract have not been satisfied at this stage.The terms are to ambiguous and unclear to come to a conclusion as to what the terms may have been as Jessie use of wording ‘Let go' of the car and further discussions with Ian are not certain. The courts may apply the six rules to help determine whether a contract exists or the certainty of the terms if there to be a contract. The terms in this case would be seen as Illusory and therefore the court would not enforces or recognize the terms as being a valid interact. 11.Assuming the courts did find in favor of the commercial presumption and other elements were satisfied the discussion regarding the market value of the car could be seen as a term to pay $3500 for the Toyota Corolla while Stephanie Nan's daughter takes first possession of the car. Question 2 Bryan can argue on the basis of lack of capacity as a minor and the contract can be void because it's not a contract for necessaries. Although he would have to prove that it's a luxury not a necessaries and it would be up to the courts to decide given his lifestyle and current circumstances 2. Common Law Assignment The issue is it's unclear whether Jessie is making an offer to sell or an offer simply as a gift as they have been friends for 15 years. In order to determine if a valid offer has been made application of the objective test would be applied . Would a reasonable person in these circumstances believe there to be a valid offer and what is the relative importance of the statement to each party?Jessie statement made to Ian that he is happy to ‘let go' of his car with the wording he has used has the potential to aka the situation somewhat ambiguous, Jessie true intentions are unclear. The statement is not definite and lacks sufficient finality for the statement to be classed as an offer. Although his wording is uncertain the courts will also look at what context the statement was made and because Ian did state he wanted to ‘buy a car for his daughter then the statement can be argued both ways.Jessie then invited Ian to his home to look at the car although there is still no conv ersation about the sale of the car. This offer doesn't have terms that are clear and final and therefore the requirement of a valid offer has not been satisfied. It's important in deciding if valid acceptance has occurred to acknowledge that acceptance must be clear, absolute and identical to the terms in this case Ian in not having full knowledge of the terms has accepted without full knowledge of the offer.He did not communicate acceptance to the offer Jessie. Ian in his actions of the visit to Jessie house to look at the car and his daughter taking full possession of the car cannot be seen as valid acceptance as Ian acted in ignorance of the offer Question 1 B Ian and Jessie at no point stated that they had any intention to enter into any binding agreement to create legal relations.The court will apply two tests the commercial presumption and the social and domestic presumption to determine if the parties had intended to create legal relations The language used by Ian in this cas e from the first discussion regarding the car, to the discussion regarding the ‘Market Value' seemed somewhat of a social nature rather than a commercial arrangement.Jessie at no point made any indication to Ian regarding a legally binding agreement and he at no point made any suggestion's to Ian that he was selling his car the court could ale in favor of the social domestic presumption this was simply an arrangement between friends no intention to create legal relations have been satisfied Question Nan's consideration for the car is too vague and could be seen to be too affected by uncertainty due to there being at no point any talk of a sale or payment.Ian could not have provided good consideration in this case; it's unclear whether he provided consideration at all because an agreement has not been reached by both parties. A mere discussion between friends on the Market value of the car in question could not be seen as valid consideration. Question ID There is no valid contr act between Jessie and Ian because all elements of a contract have not been satisfied at this stage.The terms are to ambiguous and unclear to come to a conclusion as to what the terms may have been as Jessie use of wording ‘Let go' of the car and further discussions with Ian are not certain. The courts may apply the six rules to help determine whether a contract exists or the certainty of the terms if there to be a contract. The terms in this case would be seen as Illusory and therefore the court would not enforces or recognize the terms as being a valid interact. 11.Assuming the courts did find in favor of the commercial presumption and other elements were satisfied the discussion regarding the market value of the car could be seen as a term to pay $3500 for the Toyota Corolla while Stephanie Nan's daughter takes first possession of the car. Question 2 Bryan can argue on the basis of lack of capacity as a minor and the contract can be void because it's not a contract for nece ssaries. Although he would have to prove that it's a luxury not a necessaries and it would be up to the courts to decide given his lifestyle and current circumstances 2.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

US and California Compared

The United States Census is taken every ten years in order for the U. S. government to count exactly how many people live in the country to the best of its abilities. Aside from taking the population, the census asks many other questions, such as the age of the persons living in a given household, their race and ethnicity, the languages that are spoken at home, their educational attainment level, and household income. These questions, when answered by the entire population, provide the government a sense of the composition and the needs of its people. Without this information, public services such as education, hospitals, health care, and social security cannot be provided to all in need and therefore it is important data that deserves our careful examination. For my term paper, I have decided to compare the data of the state of California to the United States of America to discover how similar or different the sets of data may be. I would predict some of these data to be similar, such as age distribution, due to the fact that California is a relatively large state with a large enough population that it would serve as a pretty good sample of the entire nation. However, I would expect to see differences in factors such as race and ethnicity and the languages spoken at home, because California has a relatively larger Hispanic and Asian population than most other states in the US. Also, the income level of California will be slightly higher than the nation due to the existence of two large metropolitan cities in the state. The paper takes a careful look at the various socio-demographic variables that are taken by the United States Census in order to compare the state of California to the nation as a whole. The first obvious step in my analysis is to look at both populations counted by the 1990 United States census. The population of the United States is estimated to be 248,709,873 and California is estimated to be 29,760,021. This data is important to this paper because when making comparisons between the two geographic locations, I will use percentages taken from the actual data given in the census divided by the total populations. This way, the comparisons are scaled in relation to one another and it is easier to analyze and to make comparisons. The first demographic variable that I will examine is the age distribution between the two areas. The age distribution given by the population age pyramid (Graph 1) show that both are quite similar, with a pyramid-like shape starting from age 25 to 80+, with the large base of the pyramid beginning at age 25. From age 0 to 24, there is an overall tapering in from the base of the pyramid above as the ages decrease, indicating a fewer number of people aged 0 through 24. It means that the largest number of persons in both regions is between the ages of 25 and 34 in 1990. This implies that there were a larger number of births in the 1950s and 1960s than in the 1970s and 1980s. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the baby-boom children had reached reproductive stage in their lives and gave birth to many babies in the 50s and 60s. There is also relatively fewer people aged 45 to 80+. The upper narrow upper region of the graph, ages 65 and up, can be explained by the fact that the life expectancy in the United States is around 70 years old and it is natural to see a tapering off of the population at these ages. However, the age group from 45 to 64 is also quite narrow. This is most likely due to the fact that these are the people who fought in World War II. Looking at the graph, the only noticeable difference between the two regions is that California has a relatively fewer number of people aged 10 through 19. This could be due to many economic, social, and physical factors in the 1970s that affected California births, but not the entire nation. I would predict that since children of the baby-boomers (ages 25 to 34) have now reached reproductive stage, the census 2000 would show that the base of the graph would continue to grow a little bit wider, from babies being born in the 1990s. The second demographic variable I will focus on is the racial composition of California and the United States. Graph 2 shows the percentages of the total population, which fall under the five racial categories: 1. White 2. Black 3. American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut 4. Asian or Pacific Islander and 5. Other. It is important to note that people of Hispanic origin are mainly categorized as either White or Other, depending on how each individual has chosen to categorize him or herself. The category, Other, also include people who are mixed, such as Mulatto, Creole, and Mestizo. The breakdown of the races are pretty similar, as can be seen by the graph with Whites being the overwhelming majority of the total population for both regions. However, it may be interesting to note that the origins of the people who make up the White category for the two regions may be quite different. For the United States, the composition of the people who make up the White category are mostly of European origin. The origin of people who make up the White category for California also include many people of European origin, but also many of Hispanic origin. This is due to the fact that California shares the border with Mexico and therefore would have a larger Mexican or Latino population. Also due to the large Mexican and Latino population, the Other category for California is almost 10% larger than for the United States. The lower Black population in California can be attributed to the fact that the majority of Blacks in this country are concentrated in the southern states of the US, such as Alabama, raising the composition for the nation, but not for California. Lastly, the Asian and Pacific Islander category is almost 8% higher in California because many Asians tend to be concentrated on the west coast of the US. The third socio-demographic variable I will examine is language spoken at home. The first thing to note on Graph 3 is that English is spoken in the majority of homes both in California and the United States. The population speaking languages other than English at home is higher in California due to the racial composition examined above. The higher Asian/Pacific Islander and Latino concentration has raised this California percentage to twice that of the US. Of these â€Å"other† languages, the existence of Spanish spoken in homes is more than 10 percent higher in California than in the rest of the nation. Subsequently, the English at home contingent will be smaller in percentage comparison for California. This type of data is extremely important to the government because it raises issues such as the appropriateness of ESL programs, bilingual education, and public services that must be provided to the public in many languages. Comparing two different regions such as California and the US may seem useless due to the similar data, but it is differences such as these that make the census crucial data that deserve our careful analysis. Educational Attainment is another variable I will analyze between the two regions. Graph 4 reveals that in the US, highschool graduates (including equivalency) make up the highest percentage of education attained. This is not surprising because formal education in the US is required for all children until the age of 14 through 18, depending on the state, and therefore it is expected that most children would finish high school. In California, people attending some college without obtaining a degree make up the highest percentage. This implies that California†s students have a tendency to pursue their education further than the national student. The higher percentage of Californian†s attending some college can be attributed to the proliferation of junior colleges in the state. The concern for California should lie in the fact that a higher percentage of children do not progress beyond the ninth grade than in the nation. This may be attributed to the large Spanish speaking population who are cushioned in schools by bilingual teachers during their elementary and secondary schooling years but are left to themselves in non-bilingual high schools to survive on their own and as a result, drop out. Finally, the comparison of household income between California and the US shows that income levels for both regions are concentrated under $60,000 per year (Graph 5). In analyzing these data, I have taken the income data from the census and divided that figure with the total number of households, not the population, so that a direct comparison between the income of each households would be possible. In general, Californians have higher income than the US as a whole. The 1990 Census shows that the median household income of California is $35,798. This figure is higher than the national median household income of $30,056. The data on the graph shows that the higher percentage of Californians earn incomes higher than $30,000. The higher income in California can be attributed to the two metropolitan areas of Los Angeles and San Francisco as mentioned earlier and additionally, to the recent boom of the computer and internet industry in Silicon Valley, which has increased the number of Californians earning higher wages. The different variables examined in this paper have revealed several demographic trends between California and the US as a whole. While the two regions share similar demographic profiles, several differences arise upon closer analysis of the data. Generally, California has a higher concentration of racial minorities. Thus, more families speak languages other than English at home. The data also shows that a higher percentage of Californians pursue degrees in higher education than the national percentage. Since college graduatess and advanced degree holders tend to earn higher wages, the data for household income is consistent with the previous observation as more Californians are in the higher income bracket. It can then be concluded that California is more racially diverse than most other states, and that Californians tend to do better economically than the rest of the nation. This type of analysis would not have been possible without the United States Census, which I believe is an important tool that allows researchers to do their own analysis with the hard data that it provides. The different conclusions I have drawn from this paper clearly indicate a need for different public programs that are specifically designed for each individual state because the United States is not made up of a homogeneous group of people, but is composed of an exremely diverse group of individuals.